Your home loan adviser will act on your behalf when it comes to dealing with potential lenders. By assessing your situation to make personalised recommendations on how your loan is structured, your adviser can provide you with insights you wouldn’t otherwise have access to as they guide you through the home buying process.
The role of your home loan adviser
Your advisers consider a range of factors, from interest rates and mortgage terms to deposit requirements and upfront fees, to secure you the best possible offer.
The benefits of working with an adviser
We’ll recommend the best home loan structure for your current situation
We’ll provide access to the best deals offered by a range of lenders
We’ll liaise with the lender for you and gain approval
We’ll save you time and stress by preparing the relevant paperwork
We’ll arrange pre-approval of your mortgage so you can navigate the property market with confidence
We’ll make sure that throughout its life, your home loan is always suited to your needs
Embrace a holistic view of your financial wellbeing.
From insurance to mortgages to KiwiSaver and investments, we can help you balance these moving parts through our protect, own, grow philosophy.